Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009

Books without borders

Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf
Woahhhh - I can't believe I have been waiting soo long to read this book. It's a classic and I love it. I actually tried reading Hesse in German before and sadly it doesn't speak to me. Only in English I am allowed to get to know the fine skill of this oh so very German writer. A bit strange, I know. In German this old style form of writing sounds so foreign to me, many words I don't understand and the distant, complicated constellation of the sentences make me drift of rather than indulge into the era of then. And I love "then", the time of Bohemia with all its forbidden social gatherings, the costumes, the masks, the balls, all its sexual energy mixed in a fine cocktail, hidden under the corsage. I love the formality spent "then" to pursue an interest of some sorts. The English language translation is superb. I could not put the book down. It had me wrapped in the time, but also in its little wisdom aspects about love and live. There are several episodes that made me recognize why this writer was also able to write Siddhartha and how. Steppenwolf has many aspects of teaching us about samsaric live, none attachment, death and the realization of impermanence told from the perspective of this rather pessimistic or shall we say realistic dark character and his muse, his wisdom teacher, lover, seducer and temptation. Here are some of my favorite lines from the book:
"Ah, Harry, we have to stumble through so much dirt and humbug before we reach home. And we hae no one to guide us. Our only guide is our home-sickness.
"I had escaped time altogether, and went my way, with death at my elbow and death as my resolve. I had no objection to sentimentalities. I was glad and thankful to find a trace of anything like a feeling still remaining in my burnt-out heart."
"There is beauty in farewells and a gentleness in their very tone."
I would love to see Steppenwolf as a play. If anyone wants to take me out to see it, I am there.

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